What do these strange words stand for??

Operations Security.

Now why would that be so important?

For one thing, OPSEC is a very important thing to learn in the Military Life. If you dont use it I suggest you learn about it.

OPSEC keeps our soldiers safe. By not revealing any information to anyone about when a soldier is due to deploy, due to come home (R&R or Homecoming), how big or small the unit he is with, and most of all their location when deployed.

Until your soldier is safe at their homebase you are not to reveal any information as to when or where the soldiers are due to be back. This is not my saying but the National Government has asked us as Wives and Husbands to do this. To protect them and make sure they all get home safe.

To me...saying: "My husband will be back in June" not a big deal. Saying: "my husband will be home on Monday and he is flying into SO-AND-SO Airport" thats breaking OPSEC. Saying your soldier is on their way home...not so smart...especially when you reveal that there are multiple soldiers with them. Its not so hard to find out where they are.

The enemy is smart. They know how to use the internet, and they have no problems hurting our loved ones. So please do us all a favor and practice OPSEC. One loose lip can bring upon many problems.

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