Mostly everyone thought it was going to be a boy... and that made me feel bad. I mean Evelyn even said it was a boy. So because I didn't have a clue what it was going to be I decided I'd vote for a girl.
We first saw this little one and the first thing I noticed.... looks exactly like how Evelyn looked like. Evelyn's ultrasounds she had her Dad's profile completely. I was shocked to see how much they looked alike! Another thing.. the baby was sleeping, and apparently had no real intention of waking up.
I stared at P a lot, and even though he was dealing with a toddler who just wanted Mom to stop getting prodded by the lady, he was still in awe watching this little baby move.
waving Hi and waking up for a little nap!
Finally the lady decided to look at the sex. I guess even though this little one was sleeping, they made sure we could get a good peek at the goods. While I don't really feel comfortable showing off my baby's stuff... this is our Gender Announcment on FB.
When I first saw the legs open and then saw nothing, the first thing I said was "Oh my god P its a girl!". I looked right at him and he had the biggest smile on his face. I laughed in disbelief! I was not sure at all on what I was having, and to find out I was going to be a mommy to two little girls blew my mind! It took us a moment to finally realize it was a real thing! Two girls! WOAH! I became immediately excited! My sister died when I was 10 and I never had a real sister relationship, and that's always made me a little sad. But I just knew right then and there that this was so ment to be! I get to watch my girls have a beautiful friendship together, and I can't wait to see it blossom! I sometimes think my sister has a hand in certain things in my life, and I'm sure her and God knew I had always wanted that sisterly relationship, and this is the next best thing.
My two little girls!! I cannot wait!