Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Coming Home.

Yesterday the Hubs and I made the decision for Evelyn and I to head back to Utah for a little bit. In the last two months a lot of things have happened and its really dampened my parents spirits. They are amazing parents no doubt about it. Just too much has happened and they feel like total failures. Which its not true at all! So as much as I really really hate to leave my husband here by himself, I have been feeling like I need to go home, and so I am going to.

I am however super excited. I haven't been home since September, so people like my siblings and grandparents haven't seen Evelyn since she was 2 months old! So that will be a lot of fun! I've always wanted Evelyn to have that relationship with her Aunts and Uncles, plus her cousins! 

I am sad that I did buy a 1 way ticket. Hub's is like 85% positive that he'll be in Airborne School almost right after I leave, so I might as well stay in Utah. I should probably have waited till he went to school but I think I need to go home now, and he agrees. I really hate to leave him here because as I have learned from being a MilSpouse is that you never know when they are going to come home and tell you they are going to deploy soon. I hate the fact that I have to leave, but I know it is whats best. Thank god for Skype and my new iPad so we can be in touch all day! I know its not a deployment but it's still really gonna suck, especially if I go a month without seeing him.

I just hope going home and helping out my family will help them in the long run for a while. I hate that I can't always be there. We really tried to live closer to home, but that's the Army. But I am really grateful that Hubs and I are doing so good at budgeting and saving that we can afford for me to make a trip out of town when things come up.

As for my family who reads this...I am excited to see all of you! We'll have to do a get together soon! I am planning on taking Evelyn to the Zoo maybe so maybe get some of us all together and lets go!

Everyone else...look at what my parents like 15 minutes away from.... (the great salt lake) I'm looking forward to seeing this!

Source: via Deborah on Pinterest


Lyzz said...

I wish the lake still looked like that! It smells so bad! People on the plane always complain about how gross it looks from the air, and I just have to giggle, and tell them it's salt and that's why it looks like puke! Hope you have a great time at home ...

Mary @ This is How My Garden Grows said...

Hope home is wonderful!

Joslin said...

The whole old family v new family is always a struggle for me too. When I went home to say goodbye to my grandma, I was so torn. My husband was starting leadership school and needed my support, but of course my family back home needed me too. It's the one thing that never gets easier (for me anyway). I hope you have a great time at home! Enjoy it!

Kendall said...

That's beautiful. :)

Mrs. Duh said...

Ah, enjoy your trip back to the Land of Zion! I'll be there in June for a few weeks, and I can't wait! I hope everything gets better with your family!

Natalie and Remington said...

Sweet! Home is always nice for a visit once in awhile. Looks the same as ever.

Audrey Spence said...

I love our view of the lake. Tooele is quite pretty. And yay for you coming to visit!

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