Monday, December 6, 2010

Overall picture

So after my post last night, I wrote Hubby an email and told him when he is off work, I need to talk to him. So he skyped me this morning, even though I threw off him gym schedule, and we talked.....well I talked about it. I cried it out, and let it all out. He told me that if I shouldn't worry so much about it, and I was freaking out over nothing, I could still go do something if I wanted to.He even suggested I go spoil myself all day, get a hotel and then we could skype before he heads to work.
Yes he was right. I told him that all I needed was to talk to him and let it all out, which he is fine with. I let him go to the gym, and told him to write me an email later since I had work.
In his email he put my head on straight and said "Our anniversary is about you and me, not you and your mom...I know your upset but its ok, dont worry about doing anything with anyone, just go treat yourself and we will have a skype date".
So it made me feel like 50,000 x's better!! He is right, its about us and no one else. Though I would love to go out to a nice fancy dinner, he is not here and it wont be the same. I might just get Pizza Hut because I am craving some stuffed crust pizza! Now more then ever I should satisfy these cravings right? :)


Lou said...

yes maam, i m glad you talked to him. He sounds like a sweetie. Go enjoy a pizza!

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