Wednesday, October 20, 2010

woo-hoo wala bing bang..

I know random name for a post right? Well...I am up once again, but not for the banging but because....and don't completely think I am dumb but, I think all these shots Hubby has been tetanus, anthrax and the flu...ya I am pretty sure you get a live virus injected into you for the flu one and I think now I have the flu, I am not sure though. I just don't feel good, maybe this case of strep is just really bad....ANYWAYS...I did what I said I didn't want to do...because I am a loser and needed something to do, and can't let myself be lazy.....yay for me.
But no I am glad I did it, it made me feel good to do it, it was actually kinda fun. I had to do it while watching Grey's Anatomy, and it made the time go by. So my guest bedroom is still kinda a mess, but I am trying to not complain because the longer the army gear stays there...the longer he stays here, but Hubby said he would clean it up this weekend. I am thinking the best way to do this move is to kinda arrange in my head what needs to go into storage, what needs to stay and then a good idea of whats going in the trash. So far....I am pretty confident.
So heres what it looks like right now....
 so here are the 2 boxes that are packed.
 Yepp! So this is now my cabinet!
 Doesnt the room look so much nicer?...
I threw all the crap into the corner...hehe.
 This is oviouslly where our wine glasses and shot glasses where
half of which ended up in the trash!
This area was FULL, and now its better and this is all the stuff
I must bring home with me. 
Not too bad. 

So I am sorry this is kinda a lame post...I promise my next one will be interesting! I am working on a new post with a new blogger! She has interviewed me, which makes me excited! if you want to check her out, here she is. I am pretty excited to send her my answers. I haven't yet because I still don't have my pictures Hubby and I did on leave, I hope I get them this week!!! If not then I'll give her my engagement photos. Lots of love and good night everyone!


Lou said...

wow sounds like your busy girl...things always get hectic before the leave. Hope all stays well

Unknown said...

I hate packing. With a passion. So I always put it off. Glad you got some done!

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